Silver's Stuff

Hello! My name is Silver. I'm just a random guy on the internet. I dabble in art, music, coding, video editing, and writing. I also make a lot of things.

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News and Updates

Hey! Thanks for visiting. I'm kinda just exploring different formatting and cool-looking stuff while I get this page set up. Enjoy the silly test things while they last!

Whatcha workin' on?

Art and coding stuff (this website too!).

Kind of a Diary

Kinda forgot about this site while I was working on other things. Oops. Anyway...

My school gave us the luxury of a 4-day weekend, so I've just been doing my own thing for the most part. Except, my brother asked me for help to code a school project of his. It's for making a list of instructions out of hexadecimal bits.

I have never thought about how to code something so much in my life. 90% of the time I've had PyCharm open has probably just been me unraveling the steps in my head.

Despite the large amounts of time taken, things have been mostly alright with it. Of course, the part I got stuck on was converting an unsigned integer to a signed one. My brother says that the first idea I had was probably not allowed, so I'm waiting on his teacher for approval to use code from StackOverflow for a different method. Fun.

Oh, yeah! I also tried an affogato for the first time the other day. And wow. Coffee and ice cream work perfectly together. The flavors were amazing. Definitely goes in my top 10 things I've eaten. I'd probably get another one, but the place is an hour away, and I wouldn't want to make it less special either. it seems like one of those things you'd get once every few months to me.